Originally Posted by OCDP
Awesome zoos Zach.. love the limeades.
Scott..I found a US link for rainbow palys (those are them in your avatar pic, right?).....dunno if i should get them....they're $100 per polyp...know of a cheaper source?
90g Cube + 30g Sump/Fuge
Kessil A350W LED ● 2x PAR38 ● Deltec AP701 DIY clone (modded) w/ Eheim 1262 needlewheel ● Panworld 100PX-X Closed Loop + OM 4-Way w/ eductors
Percula and Ocellaris pair ● Marine Betta ● Sunburst Anthias ● Blue Assessor ● Threadfin Cardinals ◊ Soft coral dominant