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Old 10-24-2006, 02:49 AM
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Ruth Ruth is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Fort St. John, British Columbia
Posts: 1,605
Ruth is on a distinguished road
Default Very very sad news for me

It is with a huge amount of sadness that I am letting you know that this
past weekend, while I was in Edmonton - some cruel and heartless person shot my precious Nala. She managed to make it onto the front deck of my house where she died.
I have a pretty good idea who did this but of course no proof.
She was a beautiful and very good little dog who I have never know to wander out of my yard but I have one very cruel neighbour.
I am devastated by her loss and just can't seem to stop crying.
I just don't understand some people. I live in the country on 30 acres and I have livestock that she has nevered ever bothered and like I say I have never known her to go out of the yard.
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