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Old 10-20-2006, 06:14 AM
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BullDog BullDog is offline
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Default Total Newbie with an empty tank

As stated in the title, I'm a total newbie to pretty much any fish in general, so you may assume I know nothing

Anyhow, I find my self with an empty tank, and I'm sure a lot of you know how that feels like an itch you just need to scratch.
After thoughts of filling it with some "pretty" fish, my twisted mind took me down the road of something more interesting. The term 'piranha' popped into my head. I've done a wee bit of research, and found they're not really for a beginner fish-keeper, and can become expensive to feed.
I'm curious though, if anyone knows about piranhas, what sort of tank do you have them in, and what is your average feeding cost (per month, or whatever)?

I've got a 30 gallon tank with all the accessories (filter, heater, etc.) and would love to hear ideas on what to fill it with!
Just to note, I'm looking for something that isn't to expensive, is easilly available, not too expensive on the food side, and is a good fish for a beginner. I was thinking either several smaller fish or one or two large fish.
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