I actually do have a sump...the centre column is the overflow with some of the rock leaned against and giving stability to the rock work at the front.....I have 3 powerheads, unfortunately, as it is tough with the tank being 30.5" high. 2 are for water movement one on the surface as I like a lot of surface agitation and then I have a 2nd for moving water to the bottom of the tank...the 3d (which is the ugly tube that you see) is for the Phosban reactor. I would love to hide it in the sump but have no room. We are trying to rework that now. We had a custom sump built but it takes up a lot of stand room and I have the Remora hidden in there now. I hate being able to see powerheads and tubes and stuff...but you get used to it.
Livestock; pair of false perc's, Kole Tang (don't tell the Tang Police as the tank is not long enough being only 24"

) Male Madarin, Yellow Watchman Goby, 3 Chromis, 1 Bi-Color Blenny, 2 Firefish, Yellow Clown Goby, 2 Cleaner Shrimp, 1 Coral Banded Shrimp, 1 Blue Tuxedo Urchin, 1 UGLY cucumber, emerald crab, clean up crew and corals.
I did have a sun coral but found with all the large feedings they require that my water quality was a concern. We are going to add a Scribbled Rabbitfish to the tank for some algae control...we have a nasty red "crunchy" (for lack of a better word) algae that we are hoping it may have a taste for...we really enjoy our Golden Spotted Rabbit who resides in our 120g that is a great algae fiend but is WAY too large for this tank so went with a smaller variety purchased in a smaller size! If it's size becomes a concern we'll move it to another tank.
Thanks for the compliments...if I were to start over, I wouldn't jump at doing this tank as it is so limiting with it being so high and short...but it looks good, fits where it is and we learned a lot from it the hard way!