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Old 10-08-2006, 06:03 PM
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SuperFudge SuperFudge is offline
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Chilliwack.B.C.
Posts: 741
SuperFudge is on a distinguished road

I am just awaiting wireless for use of the software, unless i buy another pc i cannot run the line to my existing one....a week or two at most im hoping.

I was playing with the top off and level sensors and found some other features that are interesting.
You can have multiple back up options for water level control.

Multiple water level sensors can be used, also in combination with optical and/or float valve sensors.

These sensors can be used as minimum and max on a single water level, or to maintain multiple levels for top up.

They can also be set to preform your water change automaticaly, by using min and max sensors.

Failsafes are numerous, cord removal/wear or breakage results as a "max reading" and turns off supply, aswell as using a switched outlet on the powerbar max on times can be set, if exceeded will alarm and turn off supply.

Waves or chaotic water influence are minimal, sensors wait for a stable reading before switching.

Pretty soon ill have this puppy doin my all chores .

Confucious say : Things that come to those who wait, will be things left over by those who didnt.
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