Neal, I would say clean the skimmer's spray injector well.. and clean the maxi-jet. This helps so much.. also, I would not run any air hose. Just leave it be, these skimmers are very effective (at least IMO..) Just keep everything the way it is... and give the whole unit a good clean. When I clean my pump and injector I get nearly a cup of skimmate a day. (wet)
Also, Remora's are pretty notorious for crapping out for an hour or so after hands are in the tank, after feedings, dosing (as mentioned), etc, etc.. but IME it only stops producing skimmate for an hour or so.. depending. If you feed heavy, expect a little longer in delay. I know when I put a bit of garlic extract on my mysis, it stops working for a couple hours.
Overall, a sweet HOB skimmer, works very well for the price, and has such low maintenance. I have been using mine for a couple years now... not a single complaint. I have never had one problem with mine either..
It's all in the maintenance.. keep the injector and maxi-jet clean and it willl work like a charm.
20g BB Mixed Reef // Coralife 150w HQI // AquaC Nano // Koralia 1 & Seio 820 // Jager 200w // AC50