Originally Posted by vertex
Hi, I've just started to get a bit of an aptasia problem so I added 3 peppermint shrimps to try to help with this. I have a six line wrass that immediately started harrassing them when they were added. Killed the lights, waited till morning and they were all missing in action by the next evening.
Did they get eating do you think or killed by the six line?
Also have a naso tang, yellow tangs, flame angel, blennys/gobies and emerald crab. Any of these guys culprits?
BTW: they were accliminate over a couple of hours and into the 120G and the tank parameters are all perfect.
Give it some time, they tend to be shy and are very good at hiding. They may be in there somewhere still. Unless they are very small, I wouldn't think a sixline would get them, but it is possible.
I retired and got a fixed income but it's broke.
50 gallon FOWLR, 10 gallon sump.
130 gallon reef, 20 gallon sump, 10 gallon refugium.
10 gallon quarantine.
60 gallon winter tank for pond fish.
300 gallon pond with waterfall.