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Old 09-29-2006, 11:17 PM
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ryanfish ryanfish is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Winnipeg, MB
Posts: 12
ryanfish is on a distinguished road

My 90 gallon reef was sumpless for almost a year with no problems. I had about 140 pounds of live rock, DSB, and a aqua C remora pro hang on skimmer for filtration. I also did small weekely water changes. I just added a 30 gallon refugium about 3 months ago, and I didnt notice any changes (only the fact that my manderin will have more stuff to eat). Just remember that somethings may work for others but will not necessarily work for you. My cousin had a 70 gallon sumpless tank and for some reason any fish he put in there would die, but corals would live.
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