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Old 09-26-2006, 06:40 PM
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RicePaddy RicePaddy is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: St. Albert, Alberta
Posts: 100
RicePaddy is on a distinguished road

I have only been into the hobby for 4 weeks now and I am already seeing a lot of the things people are saying about the retail stores in this city. How is it that I can buy 50lbs of Jakarta, which is not a bulk order by any means, from Vancouver, have it sent by westjet and in my hands within five hours for under $7.00 per lb when I have seen it as high as $10.00lb in the city. Now when I actually do buy fish, I will consider the quarantine facilities and service of the local shops. But from what I understand there is no guarantee on any fish and I may want to take a chance to save up to 50% on livestock. Even if one does kick off before it gets here I can still try one more time and have spent the same amount of money.

I want to support local business. However for example, when I have to go on a local shops website to get the same chain to match the $100 + difference on lights, then there is something seriously wrong.

Well that is my two cents.