Thread: reeftec
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Old 10-22-2002, 04:07 AM
jb1974 jb1974 is offline
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Default Reeftec P-E2

I have 2 reeftec pe-2's on our 360g sps tank. IMO, there is no better way to get a massive amount of flow towards the midsection of the tank. Powerheads, and seaswirls just cannot reach all the way through to the middle of a larger tank. I would think, however, that for tanks less than 6 feet in size the pE-2's would be a little excessive (kicking up sand etc..). The other drawback is how large the unit is, which some deem to be unsightly. Again, in a larger tank this is less of an issue. I have no experience with the PE-1's, but am considering putting on 2 units on the far corners. I think with tanks 4-6 feet in length these would work quite well. My husband has put a section of black eggcrate over the output where the propeller is as the units are on wavemakers and shut on and off (I was paranoid about curious fish being pureed).

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