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Old 09-21-2006, 05:30 AM
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littlesilvermax littlesilvermax is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Winnipeg
Posts: 779
littlesilvermax is on a distinguished road

I had a DSB for 2 years and never had any of the problems that many say you can have, no major algae problems, no HUGE nutrient trap. When I took it out the sand was almost all very clean.

That being said my 250 is BB and I will never go back! After a while the whole bottom is coverd with coraline, and since I used starboard (actually cuttingboard) the zoos have almost covered the whole bottom.


-less expensive
-more room for water
-allows more flow which keeps detritus in suspension
-no critters to buy again and again
-things like OM 4-way don't get clogged
-no sand storms


-some animals need sand
-nassarius snails are cool

IMO sand only looks good for a little while, and then it never looks great. Nobody that has come over to my house has mentioned the lack of sand. My corals (mostly SPS) are all growing like mad. In fact my very first coral (probably first 10) were all SPS and I didn't find them hard or finicky at all.
250 BB Starphire SPS, clams, & zoos
3 x 250 DE, IC 660 W/T5s
OM 4-way, Hammerhead Pump
Calcium, Kalk, RO filters, magnesium, Excellent prices
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