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Old 09-21-2006, 02:48 AM
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mwarf mwarf is offline
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Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Posts: 35
mwarf is on a distinguished road
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OK, here's the update.

I ended up with a stars & stripes puffer and a picasso trigger. I put all my snails and hermits in my 'fuge and will do the same with my cleaner shrimp (I can't catch 'em - so perhaps the new guys will cach 'em first). I'm keeping an eye on the clowns & firefish - the trigger's pretty small in comparision - so maybe they'll coexist for a few months - time will tell.

Here's an older photo of my current setup (My Sohal is now in the display tank at Aquarium Enthusiasts, he did a good chew job on a chevron tang so I got rid of both of them).

And here's a photo of the plumbing

Those photos are older, I now have a full 'fuge setup in the middle of my sump (75 gal sump - live rock, hermits, snails, macro algae). I honestly don't think I'll have a bioload issue with the current stocking level, I've got a ton of water pumping through that setup - at a level I think is overkill.

I'll send new pics if anyone is interested in the a.m.

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