Thread: My New Skimmer
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Old 09-20-2006, 04:10 AM
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medican medican is offline
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Hey are ya???Well....Jim's about a month or so, they have just taken over Brent's making of the stuff. Deb's once it is here I think about two weeks. They say once they catch up to suppliers and get in full swing....should be now, shouldent take long. They water test everything they put out. Jim's got put back a bit due to parts and they found a water leek at testing so back into the shop it went. Well worth the wait......
In most cases they will have them in stock....depends on demand....If they don't it will be made as ordered I'm thinking.
My wife believed me when I told her it was only going to cost about $500.00. that was over two years ago and I'm still grounded.....

Last edited by medican; 09-20-2006 at 04:16 AM.
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