I second the blue throats...I have a pair in my 120g that are very very cool. Lots of personality and fun to watch. BUT...messy! I think they're a really good suggestion! I have a CBB with mine too....the only worry I have had it that the CBB has to "think" so much before actually eating the food in front of it but the BThroats just gobble it down faster than you can blink leaving the CBB wondering what happened and missing out!
In my 120g I have 2 Saddleback Clowns with a blue carpet anemone, CBB, Rusty Angel, Golden spotted Rabbitfish, Valentini puffer, 2 Neon Gobies, and a cleaner wrasse as well as the 2 very small Blue Throat Triggers....oh yah-there are a couple of corals in there too with no concerns.
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