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Old 09-19-2006, 10:40 PM
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Default Stocking Suggestions?

Hey all,

I'm thinking of adding more fish to my current system (120gal, 75gal sump/fuge, dual overflow, 110lbs LR, skimmer, UVS, 1350GPH pump) which is currently stocked with:

Adult Regal Tang
Adult Purple Tang
Juv. Powde Blue Tang
Juv. Emporer Angel (yeah, yeah, yeah, he'll get big - I KNOW)
Copperband Butterfly
Flame Angel
3 FP Clowns
Green Bubbletip Anemone
2 Cleaner Shrimp

I'd really like a trigger or a puffer (yeah, I know - toss the clowns and the cleaners in that case). But I'd like YOUR positive, happy suggestions (no egos or know-it-alls flaming my current setup please) as to what would make a great addition to my tank.

Thanks in advance!
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