Originally Posted by Snappy
In my humble opinion if there's no initial interest in the idea it makes one wonder whether or not it's worth trying to plan it. 
Ah .. well .. Ok, I see. The only sort of counterpoint I could maybe offer is that .. well .. let's face it, we're all reef geeks here. I.e., "if you build it they will come."

(I guarantee that there is more interest in this event than you can gather from who's posted here.) My only real hesitation about expressing interest in something that isn't arranged for is that for example, I could say, "Yes! I'm in for that!" and then it actually gets planned, and it's say, on a date that falls when I'm out of town or something. Then I would have to say "ohh.. gee, sorry, guess I'm out, have fun." That's why I was kinda hoping to see a date first.
FWIW, if it falls on a weekday evening, I'm very likely out.