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Old 09-15-2006, 04:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus
We have to express interest in the thread? I'm interested, but figured there was no need to post that I'm in because 1) it's rather self-evident and 2) as of this moment at least, there's no date/time for this thing. So agreeing that I'm interested or not interested seems a bit silly to me. I think the trick here is to figure out a time, then post about it. Otherwise it's a little like posting "well who wants a million dollars?" Of course people WANT it, but until there's an actual plan to deliver said million dollars, it's just wishful thinking.
In my humble opinion if there's no initial interest in the idea it makes one wonder whether or not it's worth trying to plan it. I am glad the interest is there. I for one am very interested in what these guys have for big tanks, livestock and systems. I think my set up is mostly filler in a tour like this but I am willing unless we end up with enough other volunteers.
I like Albert's idea for the month end. So folks are we then shooting for Saturday September 30th? Afternoon? Evening? Let's pick a time and date and confirm.

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