Originally Posted by danny zubot
Way to alienate all of us small reef keepers. 
Basically the reason for doing this was that since most of us Reefers do have tanks < 100 gallons , it would be something different/new to see instead of something nearly the same as their own tanks.
I guess there is a guy with a 1500 gallon tank that Albert knows and I for one would be more interested in seeing that instead of a 50 gallon tank just to see how he handles the scale and see all of the equipment most of us never really get the chance to play with.
I dont think most 50 gallon tanks employ Ozonizers, Dosing Pumps, Giant Skimmers, Zeovit systems, Large Refugiums etc. If they did, that would probably be a great tank to tour as it would be something novel for most of us.
No offense intended to the smaller tanks