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Old 09-07-2006, 07:44 PM
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Default Geocachers? How does one "cheat" ??

I don't geocache myself but have heard of this activity where you look for certain coordinates and then go find what's there.

On vacation recently, I was kayaking on the west coast, and I did a channel crossing across a bay then landed and explored the tip of a peninsula. On a trail that I found, I found some graffiti which read:

"Off to the next location to cheat, X-terra cacher? Shame, shame. :-("

Which to me, begs the question. How, exactly, does one "cheat" at geocaching? What, the guy used a sextent instead of a GPS handheld??? Ok I'm sure THAT's not it, it must mean something else.

PS. Maybe the fact that I drive an X-terra made me notice the graffiti even more. But as I have never ever geocached myself (don't even have a GPS toy), I can honestly claim that I *think* I have never cheated at it.
-- Tony
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