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Old 09-05-2006, 08:21 PM
jennytheleopardgrouper's Avatar
jennytheleopardgrouper jennytheleopardgrouper is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Victoria
Posts: 39
jennytheleopardgrouper is on a distinguished road
Default Looking for nice tank, selling 120 gallon

I think my 120 gallon is spoken for. (He's unsure if he can make it to Victoria to pick it up so just in case - if anyone is interested - 120 gallons + stand for $500)

I'll now need a smaller tank. I'm thinking along the lines of 50g - 70g. If anyone has one for sale, with proper lighting, preferrably with a stand, pm me with some pics and a price.


120 gallon tank, 100+lbs LR, 50 lbs Crushed Coral Substrate, Seaclone Skimmer, AquaClear 500 filter, 2-36" T5, 2-48" T5+ 2-48" regular flourescents.

Clarkii clown, 2 False Percs, Regal Tang, 6-line wrasse, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 Brittle star, 1 large featherduster, snails, hermit crabs.
Blue, green and red mushrooms, toadstool, 2 cabbage, polyps...
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