I am in the same boat with computers.
It did take me a couple days to figure it out, but most of that was spent just figuring where i wanted the display and power bars, to make sure i could run all i wanted from where they were to be located.
Part of the confusion for me is, im not german...and the unit acsessories are.
The controller has been out some time there, but has only recently made its way to us out here, with its converted AC outlets and english manuals.
The only hard part for me was to figure out the acsessories that i would need to run what i wanted, really no problem of the controller, it is more my knowledge of how any controller runs.
Jason at Proline was invaluable and extremely helpful in this regard.
That being said, i did pick it up fairly easily, and ive never owned a controller before.
Aswell, there a few german forums that i have been given links to, that will also help us english speaking folk.

, though ive hooked up alot of it sofar without there use.
Besides, ill be your guinea pig
Niloc, yes it can.
A reactor selenoid would be plugged into the power bar, and according to reactor ph it will govern the seleniod.
If multiple ph are wanted, you will need the appropriate cards and additional probe.