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Old 08-31-2006, 03:29 AM
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revgeoff revgeoff is offline
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Ladner, BC
Posts: 64
revgeoff is on a distinguished road

I know I have wasted hundreds of dollars on impulse buys waaaay back when I started this hobby (hopefully my wife doesn't see this). Last weekend I almost bought a Majestic angel. I had never seen one and thought "wow, look at that amazing colour...and it is swimming with corals". Luckily I looked it up when I got home. Seems like it would probably beat the tar out of my poor juvie Emperor and gobble up what little corals my beginning reef has.

My problem ( of them anyway) is whenever I go into a store I feel the need to bring something home. Luckily there are people like Wendel of OA who stops me from spending my money on things that I can't keep.
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