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Old 08-29-2006, 09:45 PM
rudy rudy is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: calgary, ab
Posts: 184
rudy is on a distinguished road

I was also going to say that we are not the only ones bitching.

One thing I am growing very tired of is stores (especially new stores) bad mouthing others. I think there is a ton of business out there and if there is no current store in the South I think a Niche could be carved pretty easily there. The same thing with the new store in the N.W. as I know I will shop there by virtue of the fact that it is close. What was said about you have to convince me not to shop at a store is very true. Who here honestly shops exclusively at one store? I have my loyalties, but if somebody else has something I want and I don't dispise shopping there I will.
The statement about "the store in the S.E. that does not quarantine their fish and that is why it is so cheap", or they get the mixed boxes where we get the quality hand picked fish" wears really thin.

I hope the new store takes the high road and focuses on their store rather than everybody elses.
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