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Old 08-28-2006, 06:44 AM
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j83 j83 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Ladner, BC
Posts: 91
j83 is on a distinguished road

Well if it is indeed a parrotfish, looks like a juvy Bowers Parrotfish to me, and not a wrasse - the two can be hard to distinguish, I would like to see a picture of it 6 months down the road. Parrotfish, if you have ever gone snorkeling/diving you will know that they cover a huge amount of area in the ocean. Not sure how big your tank is but I am going to bet it's too small for a parrotfish. A large parrot can produce up to a ton of sand a year by breaking down rocks in the ocean (google it) - think about that in terms of the rock in your tank and how much area the fish would have to cover in the ocean.

Secondly, sounds like your friend is truly a responsible hobbyist. One who could care less about the species you/he keeps. There probably is only a select few people in this hobby who can say they have done everything right from the beginning, but as hobbyists become more experienced they are more aware of what is appropriate for their tank and what isn't. Take people's advice on this board, and don't think because you have a higher post total than others that you are more experienced.

Hopefully one day your friend will realize that the hobby, and the fish, needs people who don't buy species knowing that they have a high mortality rate in aquariums, or mixing bad combinations of species/corals/anemones. Having fish die in captivity out of ignorance or a lack of education is unfair for the fish and the ecosystem that you are taking it out of.

Last edited by j83; 08-28-2006 at 06:53 AM.
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