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Old 08-23-2006, 05:13 PM
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u will most likely kill your inverts with the copper treatment (the pepper treatment won't really work in my experience)
Either pull the fish and treat in a QT or take the chance.
Ich can live up to a month in a tank without hosts...after that they will die off.
the only way really to get rid of it out of the tank is to leave it barren without hosts (ie fish) for at least a month or up to 6 weeks.
turning the heat up will only speed up the cycle..not get rid of the ich.
I would suggest looking at the conditions of the tank itself as well.
Generally healthy fish don't get ich. Your tank may be stressing out your fish and leaving it less resilient to disease.
Ich in itself generally isn't a huge issue..tangs are notorious for getting it.
it only becomes a big issue when it starts to conflict with breathing.
cleaner wrasses and cleaner shrimp may help but aren't a cure either.
the best way to deal with ich is to make sure that your fish are healthy
Some people say garlic will help fight ich. However, most of the reading I have suggests that all garlic does is help encourage the fish to eat more, therefore making it healthier and more able to fight the disease.
Hope this helps
Good luck
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP
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