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Old 08-23-2006, 04:07 AM
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MikeP MikeP is offline
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Default Sick coral beauty...could be ick

I think my coral beauty has ick. I'm not sure cause this is my first sick marine fish. From what I've seen in the past in my fresh water tank it looks like ick. He has several tiny white spots scattered over his body and fins. What can I do to treat him? It would be difficult for me to set up a hospital tank. What can I do without removing him? Other (invert) tankmates include a few snails, a couple hermits and a CBS. Also I don't know if this matters but there is also a pulsing xenia, some ricordia and some green star polyps in there as well. Is there a specific medicine I can buy? or could I buy one of those parasite eating fish?

Thanks for any help.
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