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Old 08-20-2006, 07:30 PM
reefsurfer reefsurfer is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Tofino, BC
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reefsurfer is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Coderad
You have enough live rock and live sand.

Dont leave your carbon runing for more than 2 weeks, it will leach phosphates and such back into the water. Which will cause you problems.

If you dont plan on taking your foam out of your cannister EVERY week then you might aswell remove it because it will be a nitrate factory and it will cause you problems in a reef.

Unless you have a fish only system than you want to get rid of your ceramic biomedia, in a reef it will become a nitrate factory and will cause you problems.

A fuge contains live algea that will use the nutrients in the tank water to grow. This is benneficial in a reef system so is a protein skimmer. Running carbon is realy good so is phosphate remover.

Now all you need to do is not get too many fish and youll be fine
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