I think that is a wise decision. Wow someone who does research and contemplates before purchase. I'm impressed.
I used to have a clown tang in a 150 gallon tank and he was okay. He definitely was the boss but generally did get along with the other fish. But anytime I stuck my hand in the tank to do something. He would come and just hammer on me and try to bite me. I thought he was a good looking fish and in spite of the fact I think my tank size was okay, he ticked me one too many times with his attacks and so I caught him and sold him to a local pet store (for next to nothing, good old Animal House in Chilliwack) Boy has that place got downhill since Mike and Dale left. . . But that's another story.
Originally Posted by psuedo
I have made my mind up...it would be cruel to buy this fish...even though I would be saving it from a smaller tank in the store.