Wooty! I am offically a nano-reefer!
Well actually I was one awhile ago (my 5 gallon rescue mission) but this one is way cooler.
So I've been wanting to set up a nano for awhile now, mostly because I needed a new project and mostly because some bastage crab was munching on all my zoos and ricordia.
Then it was Kari to the rescue! He
built this!! Isn't it fantastic??
Its based on the Tru-Vu 6 g nano. I'm putting a coralife 2x18w CF unit on it and haven't figured out what kind of flow I want. So far, I've bought the wrong bulkhead for it (smooth move eh?) so I'm sure this will be like most of the other tanks I've put together

I certainly have enough spare parts for it
I'm hoping to get it running tomorrow

I can't wait to see it all set up