Originally Posted by DanG
Have you looked at netgear? I have one and love it. I reset it maybe once every other month.
For constant dropping of the connection, do you have the newest firmware on the router? Have you tried changing the channel it broadcasts on? Is it near anything else that's electrical? Laser printer, cordless phone, etc? Do you have a 2.4GHz cordless phone in your house? It could be on the same channel as your router.
The router hasn't been installed yet. I just bought it though, as I have a "Source by Circuit City" right nextdoor to work. I went in and this was recommended (I am a first time wireless router buyer/user) . I *assumed* they all should work effectively without glitches.. then I read that this router has a baaaaad rep. for dropped connections and frequent resets.
Just wanted to see if it's true by other users (if there even are any on here)
I suppose it could be a number of various things causing a dropped connection though... but it seems to be a very big problem for most people using this router.