Thanks for the links Albert. I am unfortunately in no position now to set up nice looking overflows like those ones. I could shorten my drain standpipe and close off the ball valve the right amount to get the same effect but I wouldn't have the second drain as a failsafe if something blocked up the one. I guess if I had a reliable setup of float switches, I could safely have the pump shut off if something does get blocked up. I will have to look into that. Would be easy to add as inputs to my PLC

I think I will just go with fans for now... So, one facing in and one facing out? I guess the fans won't last too long with the salty air going through them...
I noticed the moisture buildup a couple of days ago but that was before I put the 100 micron sock over the drain. Now, with the sock, there is much less splashing around so maybe it will get better.