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Old 08-15-2006, 06:09 PM
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christyf5 christyf5 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Nanaimo
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christyf5 is on a distinguished road

Good luck, I used your battle plan in my Dino Battle of 2004-05 (also included increased alkalinity, increased flow, increased water changes, turkey basting, siphoning, replacement of aragonite sand with oolitic, addition of chemipure, you name it I tried it). Damned things stuck around for a year. At the height of the evilness I was putting the tank in complete darkness with a blanket overtop for 2 days. They still came back. Eventually I ripped out the sandbed and went barebottom, powerwashed all the rock and restarted the tank. Pretty drastic move but I've been dinoflagellate free for over a year now and am glad I did it
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