Thanks for the encouragement and tips.
I noticed today that the brown plague was worse on the two sides of my tank compared to the middle. (the middle is a newer bulb, only a month old) So what I did is change all three bulbs to new Reeflux 12K bulbs that I just recieved. We'll see what kind of change that makes tomorrow.
I also plan to post pictures of what this infestation looks like. It's not near as bad as some of the pictures I've seen posted on the 'net, but it's bad enough that it needs some serious attention.
Today I ordered some necessary firepower and commando tools. (filter media & test kits)
I've also started with increasing my skimming and upping my ozone (a hair)
Tomorrow I'll be doing a full test on my water and a full filter change on my RO/DI. (then I will start making new water for a water change)
I'm attempting to make 'slow' changes to the system, however I've lost nearly all my SPS so I'm not that worried anymore... fish are fairly tolerant, as are softies and LPS.
I'm going to go to bed tonight praying that a battle between the dino's and the aptasia breaks out, with both sides eradicating each other... however unlikely that is.
Ruth: Thanks for the offers, I'll be in touch. (PM)
Delph: I'm definately re-thinking my lighting schedule as we speak, but I'm curious as to what dino change will happen due to my bulb changes)
Clown: Definately not Hair Algae... I've seen a lot of that stuff before. (not so much in my tank, but others)