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Old 08-14-2006, 02:38 AM
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Psyire Psyire is offline
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Default Declaring WAR on my Aquarium

I'm officially at WAR with my tank.

I lost my Mandarin today. He was fat, healthy, and there was not a mark on him.

A battle of 3 Fronts...

First Front:

I've had a 'brown algae' outbreak since around the time I put in my Bluethroat trigger. I thought it was due to overfeeding so I reduced my feeding by a lot. I've actually reduced it so much that my corals that rely a lot of food are dying. The 'algae' problem seemed to get better but now it's back stronger than ever. It's covering only my sand and glass. However it has attacked and killed almost all my SPS corals. It will start by covering the white (new growth) areas on the coral, and then slowly choke it out, a millimeter at a time, until the coral dies.

I've recently (yesterday) learned that this is not an Algae at all, but Dinoflagellates. (after many hours of research)

So now I'm forming a battle plan. Which involves a whole lot more than I bargained for.

- Ordering a Silicate test kit tomorrow, to test my RO water and my Tank water. (to see if I have a Silicate problem)

- Going on a strict Rowaphos & Carbon changing schedule. Currently I run 2 Phosban Reactors containing these materials, but I'll be changing them 4x as much from now on.

- Up my skimming from 1 gallon a day to 2 gallons a day.

- Raise my pH to 8.4 for a week. (my pH is typically low, which could be part of the problem)

- Double my water change routine and start using a turkey baster to blow them off the sand. (once I get the silicate test kit to test my RO water)

- Reducing my light period will be a last ditch effort, as I believe this is only a short term fix.

I'm fairly confident I will beat this back... we are higher evolutionary chain right?

I believe the Mandarin died due to high toxin ingestion. If pods were eating these dino's, then I suspect he could have been poisoned by them. Naturally these toxins would accumulate in my Mandarin as he ate more pods. (he was fat) Or perhaps he was sucking in Dyno's when he sucked in pods.. I'm not sure, but it sounds plausible.

2nd Front:

Aptasia is overrunning my tank. It's getting very bad and they are starting to choke out corals. I've placed 4 Berhia Nudi's in my Main display and in my 'fuge, but I fear this was not enough and even though they are probably still in there somewhere.. it will take months and months to do anything to this aptasia population. My next step is 1/2 dozen Peppermint shrimp, hopefully this will work because a Copperband isn't really feasible as my large Sailfin tang hates them.

3rd Front:

There is a hairy crab of a decent size living in my tank that my Peacock Mantis want's to eat... so I must catch him before he does any serious damage to my other inhabitants. (He dosen't seem aggressive and dosen't have red eyes, but I still don't trust him)

Tomorrow morning will kick off Operation Clean Sweep. Wish me luck.

(If you have any suggestions or helpful tips, please post 'em. If any of you follow my tank bulid thread on RC, you'll notice I posted this there too. The more help I can get, the better)
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