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Old 08-12-2006, 04:17 PM
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qwiksilver qwiksilver is offline
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Location: Edmonton
Posts: 20
qwiksilver is on a distinguished road
Default First come first serve

I am taking my 20g down. I don't want to piece sell cause I don't want to be left with anything. So, the first 75 dollars takes:
10-12 lbs of live rock
40 lbs of live sand
a green devils hand leather (fraggish size)
ricordea bluey cream (5 polyps on rock)
reddish ricordea with green fringe - 1 polyp
cat's paw - needs some lovin
reddish acanthastrea
green zoo's
green star polyps - hangin in there
some caulerpa (various species)
some xenia
\"What\'s a couple of bites like you doin out so late?\"
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