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Old 08-10-2006, 10:09 PM
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Rikko Rikko is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: North Vancouver
Posts: 345
Rikko is on a distinguished road

Regal tang: Pootie Tang
Scopas tang: Tootie Tang (the species basically looks like what a fart probably looks like....)
Yellow tang: Zootie Tang (Zooty zoot zoot? ...anyone?)
Clowns: Duck and Weave
Bicolor Blenny: Benny
YWG: Cliff (Norm, his pistol buddy, has been MIA for months now)
Mandarins: Skippy and Trixy (Skippy has also been MIA )
Peacock mantis: Manticore

I've held off at naming my cleaner shrimps, as it's usually just an expletive when they're bothering all the corals while I'm trying to feed them.
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