Cool, thanks for the suggestions. yeah, maybe "schooling" isn't quite what I meant, I meant something that "doesn't sit on the bottom and hide all day long".
Midgetwaiter, I keep my temp around 23. I didn't realize that the two loaches were incompatible (at least in the water temps they prefer). You can tell that the butterfly loach likes fast flow. I dunno, I've had this guy at least 5 years or so now. I haven't a clue what he eats, never comes out for food, but I see him at night darting about. I kind of wonder if I did go to a cleaner setup whether he'd have a harder time, maybe he's subsisting on the cyanoslime I get growing on my plants all the time.
Yeah, I know my loaches are pretty wee all things considered. They are pretty comical fish, it's too bad they make keeping any kind of snail impossible. Every now and again I'll throw some excess snails out of my outdoor pond barrell into the tank for them to go nuts on. Kinda mean to the snails I guess but there are hundreds of them in that barrell anyhow, they hitchhiked in on some cattails, the cattails never lived through the winter but the snails sure did.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!