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Old 08-10-2006, 03:37 AM
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Default Drip away!!!

Originally Posted by DanG
I float the bag for 20 minutes or so to get the temp close, then I add a cup of water from the tank to the bag every 20 minutes. After 60 minutes I dump half the water in the bag out (not back into the tank) and then add a cup every 20 minutes for another 60. After that, I dump out as much water as I can and then into the tank the fish goes.
Thats a lot of work. Maybe switch to a drip method. I drip everything that I get.

1) Just get a jug (2L bottle would do)
2) Make a hole at the bottom of the container for the small plastic ball valve (used for air tubing, found at Big Als)
3) Superglue or silicone it so that there is no leaks

And that is it. You got yourself a dripper.
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