Originally Posted by bulletsworld
That was my thoughts exactly. It happens to often. Ground probes are good. Your running to high temps in the tank though. Yiks! Curious how your monitor temp? With a digital or?
Crating the top is one thing, but obviously fish are jumping for a good reason.
Glad your looking to find out the reason.
It can't be a faulty ground or whatever , because if im working in the tank.. wouldn't I feel that as well???
The temp is monitored with one of those stick on thermometers.
The 2 days I had fish jump, the temp did get hot.. too hot, I openly admit I forgot to open my bedroom window on Sunday, and turned the lights on at 11am and off at around 745pm .. so they were on too long, in a hot stuffy room. On Monday... same deal, forgot to open the window, room got hot.
What I have done since then though... lights on at 7am, off at 2pm. This way the tank can't get too hot, as our days get hottest at around 1-2pm (at least IME when observing the tank) I am pretty sure by switching things around like this I cna keep the temp at 82-84 (max) .
Here's hoping...