Thanks all,
Colin, Its a Mystery Wrasse. I am unsure of the Latin Name.
This ones got some character i tell ya, he swims left to right in front of me WHILE he`s tilted vertically....i dont think its his reflection becuase if im sitting on the couch he doesnt do it.
Tony, yeah its actually all growin very (alarmingly) fast...but i still think it looks empty.
Funny how that works, you get to start from scratch again, and cant wait until its all done.
Then your done and you wish you had a chance to do it again...i get caught up in it and forget the fun lies in just watching it grow.
I did, Finally.... Came out pretty good i think, a little on the small side tho...just needed a week off to hammer at it.
I dont remember being upstairs since.

Only problem is now my daughter and her friends own it, i was only allowed in to do the work.
I believe its refered to as the incredible hulk monti, a morph of M.Monesteriata ?
Unfortunatly, im not sure where you could get it at this time....i havent been inclined to frag it just yet until it fits a little better in there

, and when i quit blowin the top off it of course.
Here`s a couple more.
Purple and yellow M.monesteriata
Blue Tenuis
Tricolor, Valida ?
Green w red polyp M.Confusa
Yellow Tenuis
Cream with bluepolyp Danea