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Old 08-01-2006, 12:22 AM
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Buccaneer Buccaneer is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: DeWinton, Alberta
Posts: 1,075
Buccaneer is on a distinguished road

Well since I am one of the " Albertans " that is shutting down a tank maybe I can shed some light here from my perspective.

My intention was to go " larger " not shut down the tank ... however Mitch at IA once again did NOT come through as he promised and I missed a window of opportunity to build the big tank while I had some time off ... he promised a 2 week delivery back in March and still had not even cut the glass 10 weeks later ... I was off the whole month of May ( I wanted to build the tank in that month ... get it plumbed and running 100% ) and when I did not have the glass at the end of May it was pointless ... wanted a refund because he was so late and he told me to pound sand ...

moral of the story ...

always pay with Visa as they will backcharge retailers that are completely incompetent like Mitch at IA is

The tank I have setup now is not as automated as my old 330G and I really did not spend the time to automate it because the intention was to go bigger

Because there is no tank to transfer everything into I now have to sell it all so that I can develop the space it is occupying in my basement ... once that is done this winter I will then be on the hunt for more 3/4" glass to build the big tank once again.

I will still have my dual beckett skimmer, calcium reactor, MH & VHO lights etc to drop onto the new tank

So if anyone knows where to reliably and honestly get 3/4" glass please let me know ( front must be starphire in that size )

end rant

“The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood.”
― Voltaire
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