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Old 07-28-2006, 05:57 AM
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Kabong Kabong is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Brentwood Bay B.C.
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Default A look at my 30Gal (56K warning)

Practicing with my camera today.
Here are some of the results. Some better then other's
For reference my camera is a crappy little Fuji FinePix A330

First up some shrooms

My Rescued bubble coral with a hitching Kenya tree? maybey a Colt?

Just got this guy last week. Lettuce nudibranch

My coral coated snail. Thorny Astrea coverd with porties i believe

One of my red banded turbos in front of my urchin.

Purple'ly blue zoa's

and my favorite shot of the day!
My pink and blue Ricordia.
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