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Old 07-27-2006, 01:01 PM
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Beermaster Beermaster is offline
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Yes the forum is still down

I will Bering you guys up to speed on my life lol

On or about June 21 - my place flooded for a water line from the hot water tank - the insuranse company has kicked us out for a month to do the repairs to the bathroom and my sons room - it has now been 4 weeks and they still havent really done any work

So with that being said - i have no access to high speen inet where we are staying so i only get to work on the site a little here and there

I am working on it but when the back up happened for some reson the SQL database got corrupted and i am trying to rebuild - i will have the site live buy the weekend with hopefully all the old posts or i am rebuilding it

sorry for all the issues

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