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Old 07-27-2006, 04:39 AM
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Dale Dale is offline
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Ahhh, nuisance algae.

Probably the one thing I look for the most in my tank. I am currently working on a theory that, like FW, higher forms of flora and fauna will out compete the simpler forms of algae for nutrients but, that is probably just wishful thinking . My LMB really is my hero! (hey, Rory slipped his post in before me!)

I don't know if there is a thread about this on R.C. per se. The topic came up in a loopy thread debating the benefits of macro algae refugiums vs A.T.S.'s. In all the hubbub about 0 nitrate levels one poster chipped in that the inhabitants of his tank would be dead if that were the case - It got me laughing, and thinking.

Sometimes we speak in generalities with regards to "what is the best" yet so much of our hobby is based on specific circumstances dependent on livestock choices. Low nutrient load, high nutrient load, compact fluorescents, T-5's, halides etc...
I used to feel a little sheepish about my nutrient load (nitrates 20 - 40) around all the 0 nitrate talk until I understood the nature of my tank a little better - thus this thread. Hopefully others will also benefit and some folks can share their nutrient dosing/removal techniques.
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Last edited by Dale; 01-21-2011 at 01:21 PM.
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