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Old 07-27-2006, 03:23 AM
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Rikko Rikko is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: North Vancouver
Posts: 345
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I never (fully) trust a large tank after I've moved it once, but I have to say that the (old, at least) Hagen tanks were sure built to last. My dad's 72 gallon Hagen just sprung a leak last year - after 25 years of continuous use.

If you're going to reseal it, I'd encourage you to get it done by someone who builds tanks professionally, as the slightest imperfection in the surface where you're assembling it, or the glass being slightly out in the seal will translate to a whole lot of misplaced pressure.. Probably not a big deal, but over the years is a little risky.

And just to say it (for future readers of this thread), cutting out the silicone from the inside of the tank and not actually separating the panes of glass isn't worth doing - the overwhelming majority of the strength of the seal comes from the silicone that's sandwiched between the panes. The stuff you actually see isn't doing a whole lot.
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