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Old 07-26-2006, 11:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Beverly
We had our power flicker sometime last week. All of our outlets are GFIs. In both the flickering and the black out, power to our tanks went back on with no problem.
Yes, but if there have been reports of picky outlets, then either it CAN happen, although very rarely, or a few people might occasionally incorectly wire them... either way, I'd rather have a guarentee that the power will come back, rather than sit and worry from a distance away whether my outlets tripped or not.

Isnt it possible to run the actual current through regular outlets and run all the grounds somewhere else? Could you have some sort of 'master GFI' that... would only cut power if it detected flow through the ground wire, in which case a power flicker should not affect it? Or am I just out to lunch?


Well, probably a really stupid question since I was slightly paying attention to the Enron ordeal... but, what did Enron do? What kind of corp/comp were they?


No more tanks - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!
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