Well quite frankly I think it was because I fed my tang some nori and I don't think he ate it. I think he yanked it off the elastic and it went and died somewhere in a rock. At least thats all I can think of. And the algae bloom didn't happen after a major water change. Come to think of it I never do major water changes. If I do do a water change its only about 5 gallons (don't laugh

). Besides, everyone has been saying to do these huge water changes. Somebody make up your minds
Anyway, I think I'll maybe hold off on the water changes and see what I can do about this crappy skimmer. I bought the "turbo" kit for it but quite frankly I have no respect for it. maybe i need that venturi kit or something. Beats me, I guess I don't know enough about skimmers other than the fact that I don't want to pay $500 for one. I'm gonna try leaving the lights off too for a day or so and see what happens. This is getting extremely frustrating. I was thinking, oh cool, its not green but I think I would rather have the hair algae, at least it didn't foul the water
Jack, thanks for holding onto my SPS, I don't think they would be too happy with the living conditions I have to offer at the moment.
Thanks for the help and the encouraging words!