Well currently I am going for the anorexic hard coral look. Quite frankly I'm not enjoying it as much as I thought I would. While I did enjoy the mixed reef I had before (mostly LPS, a couple of softies and some SPS) I found it difficult to deal with the chemical warfare and I had to decide where I wanted to go with the tank (the softies just weren't happy even running carbon 24/7) and eventually chose SPS mostly based on availability at the time. I never really saw any "must have" softies or LPS when I was at the stores. Granted I am in the sticks here and the LFS at the time made for a day trip.
I've always had an affinity for growing algae, an underwater green thumb if you will (lord knows I can kill any terrestrial plant just by looking at it

). So the thought of feeding my reef all sorts of nutrients for the benefit of my corals would be a difficult road for me. However with the removal of my reluctance to spend money on equipment in this hobby (spending money on decent equipment the first time actually
saves you money down the road, plus new toys are fun!

). I think I might have been able to make a success of it and might put this to the test in my new nano that I'm slowly putting together.