Our power went off around 5 p.m. Gads!!!! I thought it was going to be a replay of what happened a few summers ago, when the power went off for 4 hours one hot summer night. Had a 75g reef, a 180g oscar tank and a 110g indoor goldfish pond. We were up half the night going from tank to tank stirring the water to help oxygenate it. Luckily, this time, power was out less than a half hour.
Read in the paper this morning about the rotating black outs due to a number of factors, including two local power stations being down for maintenance and another station down for unknown reasons. Of course, there are other reasons, like the ones mentioned above, but our own power generators were off line yesterday. Who schedules maintenance during a heat wave???
Also read in the paper that California is also experiencing rotating black outs due to the high power consumption during their extremely hot heat wave. It's been 40+ C in some places down there.
IIRC, Alberta is on the same power grid as California, so there is export of power back and forth along the grid. It's the same in the East, when there was that huge power black out in ON, PQ and down into the US a couple of years back. Hahaha, those dumb Americans blamed Canada for the power disruption when it first happened, but after investigation, the problem was found to be on the American side of the border. I'm thinking Americans watch too much South Park :P
Glad I'm not in NYC where there are thousands of people who have been without for over a week. They still don't know where the problem is and don't know when power will be restored. Hate to be a reefer in that location. Heck, hate to be a anyone, reefer or not, and not have power for that long. Four hours is bad enough in this weather!