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Old 07-25-2006, 10:10 PM
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b_james b_james is offline
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Thanks for all your comments.

The tank has been running now for about 5-1/2 months now. Maintinence is quite simple at all water changes and dosing are performed in the basement. Since the tank has been set up, I have only spot cleaned the sand twice. The glass is cleaned every 3-4 days as required.

I really like the look of the stacked stone, it really gives a natural texture to the room. Infact I'm planning on replacing the tile on my fireplace and installing the same rock I used on the tank to tie the two together.

One other major change I plan for the system is to upgrade my lighting to the same fixture but in the 250W version - I will end up selling the 150W light system.
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150 Gal Deep Dimension Cube, with Model 2 sump/filter, CO2 reactor, milwakee pH controller, auto-top off, 2 radion LED lighting, Vortech MP40 cor internal circulation.
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